Our Vision
Sustainability is a major priority for Davis-Standard, leading to practices and innovations that inspire and provide our global stakeholders and communities with solutions for a better common future.
As a global company, we recognize that sustainability has become as important as safety, quality, and productivity for all responsible businesses. As an equipment supplier to diverse industrial markets, we provide technology that enables innovative solutions to the complex problems we face in areas as critical as food security, reliable energy services, and resilient infrastructure. As an employer and manufacturer in communities around the world, we live our commitments to our principles every day.
Sustainability is a journey and it will take collective efforts of the supply chain to achieve our common goals. Davis-Standard’s core sustainability development goals are focused on the following:
By the year 2025: Davis-Standard Commits to:

Continue to innovate and direct R&D funding, targeting 5% of sales revenue, in our equipment offering to enable our customer’s increased use of recycled content, reduced material waste, efficient use of energy and process structures for circular economy.

Increasing carbon pollution free electricity purchase to 100% of our total energy usage.

Launch “Davis-Standard Community Days” contributing to the development and growth of communities where we work with each site identifying and completing two activities each year.

ISO 14001 certification at all global facilities.