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June 2022
WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo
The WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo is organized by WAI and is held biennially in a different industry hub within the U.S. for the wire and cable manufacturing industry. The event incorporates technical paper presentations, a comprehensive exhibit, on-floor production solutions demonstrations, networking activities, and more.
Find out more »Global Release Liner Industry Conference and Exhibition (AWA)
The Conference will provide in-depth understanding and insights into the release liner markets and applications, highlighting where the growth and opportunities are for all those involved in the industry.
Find out more »AMI Multilayer Conference
Multilayer Flexible Packaging returns to the packaging heartland of Chicago, Illinois on June 16-17, 2022. The 11th edition of the conference again brings together expert speakers to share their latest market insights and developments in high value-add film solutions which balance requirements for functionality, safety, sustainability, cost efficiency and increased speed to market.
Find out more »Wire Dusseldorf
The countdown is on: From June 20 to 24, 2022, the world’s most important trade fair for the wire and cable industry takes place: wire in Düsseldorf. And you as a technical buyer should be a part of it! Because everyone who matters will gather here. Those who make decisions are at wire 2022. Add Maillefer to your show organizer!
Find out more »Precision Extrusion Topcon
Look around, the world is filled with products that are the result of precision extrusion! To make these parts a thorough knowledge of extrusion is required—beginning with fundamentals and material selection, and then learning advanced extrusion techniques—process monitoring and analysis is also key. John Christiano Presenting: Improving Extrusion System Productivity Using Digital Technology
Find out more »Silicone Expo
Silicone Expo is the world’s first free-to-attend commercial trade show and conference for the Silicone industry. 180+ global exhibitors from the entire manufacturing and extended supply chains (of elastomers, resins, fluids and gels) will be pitched face to face with 3,500+ buyers and delegates from a multitude of the industries served.
Find out more »DKT IRC
Companies from all over the world will present their products and novelties at the DKT IRC, International Rubber Conference. Finished products, raw materials, adjuvants, testing and analytic equipment and apparatus as well as special industry software.
Find out more »August 2022
TAPPI Extrusion Coating Short Course
This convenient and informative course is designed for introductory employees, young professions or established professionals needing a refresh. TAPPI’s Extrusion Coating Course covers the FULL extrusion process -- not a college textbook course. Davis-Standard's Lou Piffer will be presenting The Fundamental Concepts of Extrusion Design & Gel Troubleshooting. Thursday, August 18th at 10:15 - 11:00 am (preliminary schedule) And, Duane Smith will also present, The Challenges of Web Handling and Winding & several Web Handling and Winding Case Studies. Thursday,…
Find out more »September 2022
CPRJ Plastics Recycling & Circular Economy Conference and Showcase 2022
The use of recycled plastics and other environmentally friendly materials, in particular, bas become the commitments of many FMCG, automotive, electrical & electronics and packaging brands, such as Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Apple, Jaguar Land Rover, Amcor, etc. The plastics industry is proactively taking actions. Following the success of the of the last two editions of "CHINAPLAS x CPRJ Plastics Recycling & Circular Economy Conference and Showcase", the Adsale Group is now exploring more global hot topics in 2022.
Find out more »Labelexpo Americas 2021
Whether you’re choosing machinery or materials, it is vital you feel confident about your decisions. The best way to do this is to see all the options together in one place. Come to Labelexpo Americas 2022 and hear the noise of the machinery in operation, feel the texture of the substrates and see the print quality for yourself.
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